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What is Myofascial Release Assisted Stretching?

Why it is more effective than traditional assisted stretching and self-stretching techniques?

Myofascial Stretching is a technique that incorporates gentle sustained pressure and active elongation of the connective tissue (fascia) that surrounds the entire body.  

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What is Fascia?

Fascia is the connective tissue encompassing every cell in the human body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

Many assume that the main reason they are stiff or in pain, is due to muscle tightness, but the fact is, the tightness or pain is a result of the muscle fibers responding to the restrictions within the fascial system.

Injury, trauma, inflammation, poor posture, repetitive work injuries, etc cause the fascial system to tighten and put undue pressure on the nerves, muscles, blood vessels, bones, joints, organs and the brain.

This constant pressure on the body’s system can result in pain, restrictive movements, misalignment that impairs daily functions, and performance.

Myofascial Release techniques (MFR)  developed by world renowned John F. Barnes,PT, Father of Myofascial release (MFR) approach focuses on the whole person, not just one bodypart.

As a MFR Expert Practitioner, Linda focuses on finding  the root cause of pain or weakness, versus chasing pain, by addressing restrictions in the connective tissue in the entire body.

Over the past 20 years, Linda has helped hundreds of individuals from all walks of life avoid invasive surgeries as well as helped reduce the need for OTC medications and prescription pain medications that can have negative side effects.

Most clients after just one session say that feel significantly better and in many cases, decrease their pain and stiffness completely.

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Without it, our muscles shorten and become tight. This shortening of muscle fiber due to fascial restrictions puts undue pressure on the entire body's systems.

Stretching is not just important for athletes, but for people of all ages!

✔️ Improves Posture

✔️ Improves Flexibility

✔️ Reduces Stiffness and Soreness

✔️ Improve Mobility

✔️ Decrease Chronic and Acute Pain
      (Back, Neck, Hip, Knee, Foot, Shoulder)

✔️ Reduces Risk of Injury

✔️ Reduces Muscular Soreness and Tension

✔️ Improves Balance and Coordination

✔️ Improves Athletic Performance

✔️ Increases Energy

✔️ Improves Quality of Life

Benefits of Myofascial Release Stretching

Myofascial Stretching Help Conditions Such As

✔️ Sports Injuries

✔️ Chronic Knee or Hip Pain


✔️ Tightness During or After Exercising


✔️ Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain


✔️ Sciatica

✔️ Plantar


✔️ Headaches


✔️ Chronic Fatigue


✔️ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


✔️ Elbow Pain

      (Tennis Elbow, Ulnar Nerve Pain)


✔️ Muscle Cramping


✔️ Low Energy


✔️ Poor Posture


✔️ Pain and Soreness After Surgery or Injuries

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